Direktlänk till inlägg 17 mars 2011


Av Shawnee - 17 mars 2011 20:24

"No way you could see through all those windows or through the stone wall that is your heart
No matter about the love that claims its place inside, there's no bigger lie you could have told than that you actually wanted to be with me
No bigger shame, no more closed eyes, I wish I knew how to get to you
You told me you were falling for me and I'm always falling"


"I want you to tell me the truth
Right until you do
And should I let the feeling find me
Your words were never true
The stars we put together
The fire in your eye
The note that said "I love you"
Torn by the final lie"


"You and me caught in a vicious downward spiral of blame and guilt, always with you screaming in my ears for taking your love from you, for being there first, for existing, and forgetting.
In a downward spiral with me always running from you, avoiding promises of spiralling forever, and ever, and ever, trying to remember to always love you so you won't hate me.

Truth is, I forgot. Sooner than we thought."


"Jag flyter,
i ensamhet
bland stjärnors kanter och vibrationers djup,
bland dimmor och toner jag
aldrig vill sakna
aldrig kan missa

Med en besatthet för det vackra
och jag längtar,
jag trånar,
(jag flyter)
Tills jag får känna det
nästa gång"


"Nu, om du vill stanna, jag har inget emot det
Men du måste lova att inte vilja ha mig
Det finns inget pålitligt över tillit
Om det är mer än bara bilden, du vet,
så vet jag inte hur jag hanterar det
Och ja, jag vill ha dig
Även om jag vet hur mycket du kommer hata mig
när jag inte kan ge dig vad du vill ha
men aldrig frågar efter
Men kommer jag fortfarande att tänka på henne när vi krossar varandras hjärtan?
Försvinn, du har gått över gränsen"


Amanda was stuck in thoughts about love. She had had crushes before, time and time again, on all sorts of people. But love? Just how big was the difference between love and a crush?
Suddenly her stomach ached with longing to find out just how it felt. But how could she find it? By not looking for it?
...But then again, who could love her?
It hurt.
"But..." Alice said in a tiny voice and everyone turned her attention to her. Her face showed an obvious blush and she pressed her cold hand against her cheek to try and cool down. "Do you..." she tried. "How would you... describe love?"
Amanda thought she sounded adorably embarrassed but there was an honesty in her question that made her unable to laugh or even smile.
Mary suddenly turned around and faced the rest of the girls instead of the TV and let her head rest on her knees. Amanda smiled as she knew Mary was completely and utterly obsessed with these things and would probably talk about Alice's question forever and ever if she could. They all looked carefully at each other. There was an obvious fear of being ridiculed in the air. Amy cleared her throat."


"I snapped at someone once. Wow, listen to my big confession, huh?

[...] Yes, since then I lost her, I lost my friends, I gained friends, and I lost them, too.
Sometimes I long for someone to hold me. Hold me, and not expect anything, because I'm not going to love them.
I'm not saying this because I lost her and "I'll never fall in love again", because I know I will. I do it all the time. And apparently people fall in love with me, too. But I don't think I can love and I'm not sure I want to. I think the place I'm supposed to be, is somewhere alone.
And I'm definitely never going to snap at anyone ever again, at least not when I'm the one who's being a total fuck-up."


"Vänta en stund,
du kan ju inte gå
innan du hört låten
jag skrev
till dig?"


"Och när ljuset tar med sig min stolhet in i sömnen
och mörkret och isoleringen gör mig sällskap
Är det fortfarande dig jag tänker på
och vill ha brevid mig när min värld rasar
eller mina drömmar besannas
Vad som än händer,
mirakel eller katastrof

Är jag för rädd för att möta det utan dig

Inatt förstår jag dina bortglömda skakningar
Jag är rädd,
så var är du?"


"Jag tänker på dig


bra "



    Kom ihåg mig



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